MacWorld 1998 May
Macworld (1998-05).dmg
SoftWindows 95 5.0.2
SoftWindows Upgrade Disk
SoftWindows Upgrade Disk
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DOS Batch File
389 lines
@echo off
@if not "%8" == "" echo %8
rem [
rem Name: u.swupdate.bat
rem Derived from: (original)
rem Author: David Lillie
rem Created on: Sep 1996
rem Sccs ID: @(#)u.swupdate.bat 1.50 10/13/97
rem Coding Stds:
rem Purpose: To upgrade a SoftWindows hard disk container file.
rem This is called automatically.
rem Parameters: 1 host OS type i.e. "mac" or "unix"
rem 2 new serial number (8 hex digits)
rem 3 old serial number (8 hex digits)
rem 4 Host System name
rem 5 Host System release
rem 6 Host System version
rem 7 Host System hardware type
rem 8 On/Off argument for echo
rem 9 Drive letter for "WIN95" setup directory.
rem Copyright 1997 Insignia Solutions PLC. All rights reserved.
rem ]
rem Set path to upgrade utils (for an automatic upgrade)
if exist d:\insignia\ibatch.exe path d:\;d:\insignia;%path%
rem Check to see if we have a valid first parameter
if "%1"=="" goto manstamp
rem Set up host OS environment variable
ibatch swupdate_host tolower %1
if "%swupdate_host%"=="unix" goto CheckSerial
if "%swupdate_host%"=="mac" goto CheckSerial
goto manstamp
rem Check that we have the right number of parameters
if "%9"=="" goto manstamp
rem Make copy of serial number which we might modify
set new_sn=%2
rem Get language code from serial number.
ibatch langNO string "%new_sn%" 2 2
ibatch langNO tolower "%langNO%"
rem Determine which language extension to use
call dec_lang langID %langNO%
if not "%langID%" == "" goto GotLang
rem Unknown language in requested serial number.
rem Try to detect the language from the hard disk.
call findlang langNO
rem Insert the language code into the serial number
ibatch sn_head string "%new_sn%" 0 2
ibatch sn_tail string "%new_sn%" 4 4
set new_sn=%sn_head%%langNO%%sn_tail%
set sn_head=
set sn_tail=
call dec_lang langID %langNO%
if not "%langID%" == "" goto GotLang
echo Unrecognised language on drive C:
goto reboot
rem Ensure we have 'our' directory.
if not exist c:\insignia\nul md c:\insignia
rem If there is no upgrade history, extract what we can from
rem the last upgrade log (if there was one).
rem We are interested in the two top batch files and the serial numbers of
rem the disks (searching for "-" finds the serial nos independent of language).
if exist c:\insignia\uphist.log goto nonewhist
if not exist c:\insignia\up.log goto nonewhist
find /i /n "swupdate" c:\insignia\up.log >> c:\insignia\uphist.log
find /i /n "w95once" c:\insignia\up.log >> c:\insignia\uphist.log
find /i /n "-" c:\insignia\up.log >> c:\insignia\uphist.log
rem Create log file afresh for each upgrade. Append to the history file.
echo %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > c:\insignia\up.log
echo. | date >>c:\insignia\up.log
echo. | time >>c:\insignia\up.log
vol c: >>c:\insignia\up.log
vol d: >>c:\insignia\up.log
echo %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
echo. | date >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
echo. | time >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
vol c: >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
vol d: >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
rem Get interesting part of old serial number in lower case.
ibatch old_swinv string %3 0 2
ibatch old_swinv tolower %old_swinv%
if not "%swupdate_host%" == "unix" goto no_esave
rem Load FSA drivers and save user's E: drive setup. We need to restore
rem it because "net use" changes the user's configuration.
rem We need to frig the DOS version for devlod on Windows 95 disks.
dosver 6 0 d:\insignia\devlod.com d:\insignia\host.sys >>c:\insignia\up.log
fsadrive >>c:\insignia\up.log
net use e: | ibatch swupdate_edir string 0 0
rem Obtain selected keyboard defaults file if any.
rem We do this here because we need to re-use FSA drive E: later.
rem (Having bypassed config.sys, the effective LASTDRIVE is E:)
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
net use e: $SWINHOME/local>>c:\insignia\up.log
copy d:\unixonly\keybdef.unx c:\insignia\keyboard.def >>c:\insignia\up.log
if exist e:\selected\keyboard.def copy e:\selected\keyboard.def c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
rem Ensure that critical files are writable (we make some read-only)
if exist c:\insignia\*.* attrib -r c:\insignia\*.* /s
if exist c:\windows\pif\suspend.pif attrib -r c:\windows\pif\suspend.pif
rem Copy this file to drive C for manual updates.
copy d:\swupdate.bat c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
if not exist c:\windows\system.ini goto dosonly
rem Test for Windows 95
if exist c:\windows\ios.ini goto rawwin95
rem Test for Windows For Workgroups
if exist c:\windows\clipsrv.exe goto rawwfw
rem Test for Windows 3.11 (NB emm386.exe exists on G:\ and C:\windows in
rem a split setup).
if exist c:\windows\emm386.exe goto rawwin311
set swupdate_os=dos
set space_needed=5000
checkspc %space_needed%
if not errorlevel 1 goto no_space
echo Adding Insignia drivers to MS-DOS on drive C: ...
rem Remove obsolete stuff
call delfiles list c:\windows c:\windows\system %swupdate_os% %1
rem Copy files.
xcopy /y d:\insignia c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\%1only c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
if not exist c:\nwclient\nul md c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\nwclient c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
cd \insignia
rem Only overwrite config.sys and autoexec.bat if it is a clean (CD2) hard disk
if "%old_swinv%" == "f0" call dosbatch %1 %langID% dos
rem call d:\%1.bat dos c:\windows\system %langID% %4 %5 %6 %7
goto purestamp
echo No version of Windows installed on C:
goto reboot
set swupdate_os=wfw311
set swupdate_os_name=Windows for Workgroups 3.11
goto win31_and_wfw
set swupdate_os=win311
set swupdate_os_name=Windows 3.11
if not "%swupdate_host%" == "unix" goto win31hdf
rem Detect split setup (the default for Unix Swin 2.0)
rem If user.exe is present in G:\ and absent from C:\windows\system then
rem this is a split setup. If it exists in both places then it means that
rem either win2c.bat has been run, or it was put there ad hoc; either way
rem it implies a hard disk only setup.
rem Because we have bypassed config.sys and autoexec.bat, we need to set up
rem FSA and find the fsa windows directory explicitly. Furthermore we are
rem constrained to drive E: because we cannot execute a LASTDRIVE command.
if exist c:\windows\system\user.exe goto win31hdf
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
net use e: $SWINHOME/windows>>c:\insignia\up.log
if exist e:\user.exe goto win31fsa
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
goto rawnowin
set space_needed=5000
checkspc %space_needed%
if not errorlevel 1 goto no_space
echo Adding Insignia drivers to %swupdate_os_name% on drive C: ...
set swupdate_windir=c:\windows
set swupdate_sysdir=c:\windows\system
goto win31both
set space_needed=4000
checkspc %space_needed%
if not errorlevel 1 goto no_space
echo Adding Insignia drivers to %swupdate_os_name% on FSA drive $SWINHOME/windows ...
set swupdate_windir=e:
set swupdate_sysdir=e:
rem Remove obsolete stuff
call delfiles list %swupdate_windir% %swupdate_sysdir% %swupdate_os% %1
rem Copy files.
xcopy /y d:\insignia c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\%1only c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
call copywinf d:\insignia\for_win %swupdate_windir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
call copywinf d:\%1only\for_win %swupdate_windir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
call copywinf d:\insignia\for_w31 %swupdate_windir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
call copywinf d:\%1only\for_w31 %swupdate_windir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\insignia\for_win\system %swupdate_sysdir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\%1only\for_win\system %swupdate_sysdir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\insignia\for_w31\system %swupdate_sysdir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\%1only\for_w31\system %swupdate_sysdir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
if not exist c:\nwclient\nul md c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\nwclient c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
if exist d:\%langID%only\for_win\nul call copywinf d:\%langID%only\for_win %swupdate_windir% >>c:\insignia\up.log
cd \insignia
rem Only overwrite config.sys and autoexec.bat if it is a clean (CD2) hard disk
if "%old_swinv%" == "f0" call dosbatch %1 %langID% win31
call w31batch %swupdate_windir% %swupdate_sysdir% %swupdate_os% %1 %langID% %3
call d:\%1.bat win31 %swupdate_sysdir% %langID% %4 %5 %6 %7
if "%swupdate_host%" == "unix" net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
goto purestamp
ver | find "4." | ibatch swupdate_os_name string 0 10
ibatch swupdate_os string "%swupdate_os_name%" 8 2
set swupdate_os=win%swupdate_os%
set space_needed=10000
checkspc %space_needed%
if not errorlevel 1 goto no_space
echo Adding Insignia drivers to %swupdate_os_name% ...
rem Remove obsolete stuff
call delfiles list c:\windows c:\windows\system %swupdate_os% %1
rem Copy files.
xcopy /y d:\insignia c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /y d:\%1only c:\insignia >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\insignia\for_win c:\windows >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\%1only\for_win c:\windows >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\insignia\for_w95 c:\windows >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\%1only\for_w95 c:\windows >>c:\insignia\up.log
if not exist c:\nwclient\nul md c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
xcopy /s /y d:\nwclient c:\nwclient >>c:\insignia\up.log
if exist d:\%langID%only\for_win\nul xcopy /s /y d:\%langID%only\for_win c:\windows >>c:\insignia\up.log
cd \insignia
rem Only overwrite config.sys and autoexec.bat if it is a clean (CD2) hard disk
if "%old_swinv%" == "f0" call dosbatch %1 %langID% win95
call w95batch %swupdate_host% %new_sn% %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %swupdate_os%
rem Construct reg file to add the runonce entry and
rem repair the installation source path (BCN 5506).
echo REGEDIT4>c:\insignia\runonce.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce]>>c:\insignia\runonce.reg
echo "IS_Customize"="c:\\insignia\\w95once.bat %swupdate_host% %new_sn% %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %langID%">>c:\insignia\runonce.reg
set W95SourcePath=%9:\\%swupdate_os%
ibatch W95SourcePath toupper "%W95SourcePath%"
if not "%swupdate_host%" == "unix" goto no_unix95
rem On Unix SoftWindows95, setup files are optionally installed on
rem $SWINHOME/win95 (or $SWINHOME/win98) which is mounted on G:
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
net use e: $SWINHOME>>c:\insignia\up.log
if exist e:\%swupdate_os%\mini.cab set W95SourcePath=G:\\
net use e: /d>>c:\insignia\up.log
rem The setup files may still be on disk, in which case we should use them.
if exist c:\windows\options\cabs\mini.cab set W95SourcePath=C:\\WINDOWS\\OPTIONS\\CABS
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]>>c:\insignia\runonce.reg
echo "SourcePath"="%W95SourcePath%">>c:\insignia\runonce.reg
set W95SourcePath=
regedit c:\insignia\runonce.reg >>c:\insignia\up.log
rem Set up likely paths for Windows 95 setup files.
mruedit d:\insignia\mrumod.spt >>c:\insignia\up.log
rem Early versions of SoftWindows95 1.0 reported the wrong PnP ID for the
rem Insignia ESDI controller. We patch the correct ID into the registry here,
rem to prevent Windows displaying a reboot prompt during the upgrade.
set enum_key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum
set eb_esdi_key=[%enum_key%\BIOS\*ISL060A]
regedit /e c:\insignia\temp.reg %enum_key% >>c:\insignia\up.log
type c:\insignia\temp.reg | find "%eb_esdi_key%" | ibatch found_key string 0 0
if not "%found_key%" == "%eb_esdi_key%" regedit d:\ins_esdi.reg >>c:\insignia\up.log
del c:\insignia\temp.reg >>c:\insignia\up.log
call d:\%1.bat win95 c:\windows\system %langID% %4 %5 %6 %7
goto purestamp
echo Update complete.
rem Restore user's FSA drive
if not "%swupdate_edir%" == "" net use %swupdate_edir%>>c:\insignia\up.log
rem Update disk version number
debug <d:\upcode.inp d:\empty %new_sn% >nul
goto reboot
rem swupdate has been activated manually
rem Log the manual upgrade to the history file.
echo Manual upgrade activated. OS=%1, Extra Parameters %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 >>c:\insignia\uphist.log
rem Set the first two digits of serial number to F1 and reboot.
rem This will force an upgrade with the correct parameters
debug <c:\insignia\upman.inp >nul
goto reboot
rem Restore user's FSA drive
if not "%swupdate_edir%" == "" net use %swupdate_edir%>>c:\insignia\up.log
rem Reboot
debug <c:\insignia\reboot.inp >nul
rem We should not get here, but if we do..
goto End
set sn=%space_needed%
echo **************************************************************************
echo * *
echo * WARNING *
echo * *
echo * There is not enough free space on your C: drive to perform the *
echo * upgrade. You need a minimum of %sn%000 bytes free. *
echo * *
echo * To increase the available free space, either: *
echo * delete any unwanted files and restart; or increase the size *
echo * of your C: drive as described in the product documentation. *
echo * *
echo **************************************************************************
goto End
rem Restore user's FSA drive
if not "%swupdate_edir%" == "" net use %swupdate_edir%>>c:\insignia\up.log